Topic 14: Interwar Domestic (1918-1939)

Emergence of Mussolini

Discuss the reasons for the rise of Mussolini (November 2018) 


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Mussolini's Consolidation of Power

Evaluate the methods used by Mussolini to consolidate his power power


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Mussolini's Domestic Policies

Evaluate the successes and failures of Mussolini´s domestic policies between 1922 and 1939 (May 2019) 


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Weimar Crisis Years (1918-1923)

Evaluate the reasons for survival of the Weimar Republic in the period from 1918 to 1923 (Specimen Paper)


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Weimar Golden Era (1924-1929)

¨Germany experienced a ´Golden Era´during the Stresemann years (1924-29)¨To what extent do you agree with this statement? (May 2019)


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Rise of Hitler (1929-1933)

“The role of the leader was the most significant method for the emergence of an authoritarian state.” Discuss with reference to one authoritarian state


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Hitler's Consolidation of Power

Examine the methods used by one authoritarian leader in the maintenance and consolidation of power


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Hitler's Domestic Policies (1933-39)

Evaluate the successes and failures of Hitler´s domestic policies between 1933 and 1939 


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Spain 1920s

Evaluate the successes and failures of Primo de Rivera´s government between 1923 and 1930 (Nov 2017) 


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Causes of the Spanish Civil War

Discuss the reasons for political polarization in Spain between 1931 and 1936 (May 2017) 


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Spanish Civil War

To what extent do you agree with this statement: “The Republican defeat was the result of foreign attitudes and intervention?” 


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Evaluate the social developments in one European country (not including Germany, Italy or Spain) in the interwar years (Nov 2018) 


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