TOK Essay
2024 Titles
TOK Essay 1st Draft
What are the most effective strategies for producing a 1st draft of the TOK Essay?
Helpful Resources
TOK Today – breaking down different the TOK essay prompts
Get an A in TOK – videos breaking down some of the recent titles - group of videos that outlines different aspects of the essay
Youtube - Legendary IB TOK Teacher breaks down TOK Essay Introductions
Youtube (old curriculum) - (2021 May) How to get an A for your TOK Essay in 4 hours?
Youtube (old curriculum) - TOK Essay Demystified THE INTRODUCTION 10/10 Perfect Score Essay Analysis (Part 1 of 3)
TOK Essay - Final Draft
How can I revise my essay to put myself in the best position to acheive an A?
Helpful Resources
TOK Today – breaking down different the TOK essay prompts
Get an A in TOK – videos breaking down some of the recent titles - group of videos that outlines different aspects of the essay
Youtube - Legendary IB TOK Teacher breaks down TOK Essay Introductions
Youtube (old curriculum) - (2021 May) How to get an A for your TOK Essay in 4 hours?
Youtube (old curriculum) - TOK Essay Demystified THE INTRODUCTION 10/10 Perfect Score Essay Analysis (Part 1 of 3)
Rubric for the Essay
You will be assessed on the following the criteria
Focused on the question with AOKs
Use of examples to support the argument
Implications - What does this say about knowledge in general
Use of Perspectives
Excellent (9-10) - The discussion has a sustained focus on the title and is linked effectively to areas of knowledge. Arguments are clear, coherent and effectively supported by specific examples. The implications of arguments are considered. There is clear awareness and evaluation of different points of view.
Good (7-8) - The discussion is focused on the title and is linked effectively to areas of knowledge. Arguments are clear, coherent and supported by examples. There is awareness and some evaluation of different points of view.
Satisfactory (5-6) - The discussion is focused on the title and is developed with some links to areas of knowledge. Arguments are offered and are supported by examples. There is some awareness of different points of view
Basic (3-4) - The discussion is connected to the title and makes superficial or limited links to areas of knowledge. The discussion is largely descriptive. Limited arguments are offered but they are unclear and are not supported by effective examples.
Rudimentary (1-2) - The discussion is weakly connected to the title. While there may be links to the areas of knowledge, any relevant points are descriptive or consist only of unsupported assertions.
Explaination of the key terms of the Rubric (
“A sustained focus on the title”
The TOK essay is an exploration of the chosen title, so ensuring that the essay is tightly focused on the title is crucial. If this doesn’t happen, the essay will be seen to lack relevance and will only achieve low marks.
Common weaknesses seen in TOK essays:
They fail to address the title, or that they begin well but then deviate from the title. Strong TOK essays retain a clear focus on the title throughout.
They focus on one part of the title but completely ignore another part of the title. Strong TOK essays ensure that they address all parts of the title, as well as considering any assumptions that are written into the title.
They fail to consider central terms and concepts used in the title, or alternatively where they simply provide lengthy descriptive dictionary definitions of these terms.
“Linked effectively to areas of knowledge”
The TOK prescribed essay titles may refer to specific areas of knowledge or they may ask students to discuss a claim in relation to two areas of knowledge but leave the choice of areas of knowledge to the student. In both question formats, it is vital that students make clear and effective links to areas of knowledge in their essays.
The term “area of knowledge” refers explicitly to the five areas of knowledge listed in the TOK guide: history, natural sciences, human sciences, mathematics and the arts.
Common Weakness
Sometimes students may wish to use an example or discipline that does not fit comfortably into an area of knowledge. While examiners are encouraged to be open to a variety of approaches, if a student takes this approach then it does require them to offer some additional justification or explanation for why they are using this example for that area of knowledge. It is therefore recommended that teachers advise their students against this approach, as it requires the student to make the case for why that example or discipline belongs to that particular area of knowledge.
“Arguments are effectively supported by specific examples”
The TOK essay requires students to undertake a critical exploration of the chosen title. It is therefore crucial that the discussion is analytical rather than simply descriptive and that students provide clear and coherent arguments that are supported by specific examples.
The term “specific examples” means that the student, for example, makes reference to a particular artist or artwork or scientist or scientific theory rather than making a generic reference to “artists” or “scientists”.
The examples in a TOK essay play an important role in supporting the argument. This means that it is not only the examples themselves that are important, but crucially also how they are used within the essay to support the arguments that the student is making.
Common Weakness
where students use too many examples and/or skip from one example to another without unpacking their relevance and significance and without showing how these examples support the argument being made. This tends to make the essay overly descriptive rather than analytical.
“Clear awareness and evaluation of different points of view”
The TOK essay should be a critical exploration rather than simply a one-sided statement of the student’s own viewpoint or opinion. To achieve high marks, students need to not only show awareness of different points of view but also to critically evaluate these different points of view.
Although students are required to engage with different points of view, TOK students should be encouraged to come to their own conclusions. They should be encouraged to make a critical appraisal of different points of view and to be clear what their own position is; for example, they might agree with a claim with reservations.
Within an essay, different points of view might take the form of claims and counterclaims or arguments and counterarguments. Students might, for example, discuss contrasting examples and different perspectives from different disciplines or areas of knowledge, or indeed from within the same discipline or area of knowledge.
FAQ for the Essay
How many words is the Essay? - Maximum 1600 words
How much is the Essay worth for my final TOK grade? - 66.6666%
When will we receive the titles? - The IB releases the titles in September of your final year of DP.
How do I decide which title to do? - Choose the title that you understand BEST, not the one that sounds the easiest; You can think of an example right away; You can debate this topic with someone
How many AOKs do I have to talk about? - Some of the questions will specifically state 2 different AOKs. Usually, the title will say one AOK you must include.
How do I get under the word count? - The first suggestion would be to shorten the quotes you use as much as possible. After this, look at reducing the examples you include, such as removing the background to the experiment, study, etc...
Who marks the TOK essay? - Your TOK teacher will give you a predicted grade, but the essays are all marked by IB examiners.