Core & Optional Themes
Intro to TOK
What is Theory of Knowledge?
1st order knowledge questions
1st order knowledge claims
2nd order knowledge questions
2nd order knowledge claims
Areas of Knowledge (AOKs)
Core: Knower
Optional Themes
TOK Concepts
Knowledge Framework (Scope; Perspective; Methods & Tools; Ethics)
Truth Checks
Coherence Check
Correspondence Check
Consensus Check
Pragmatic Check
Justified True Belief
Gettier Problem
Meaningful doubt
Core Theme: The Knower
What shapes your perspective as a knower?
Bias (numerous types)
Unconscious Bias
Implicit Bias
Barnum Effect
Logical Fallacy
False Memories
Helpful Resources
Scope - A Guardian video looking at the arguments of Flat-Earthers
Perspective - A Brain Games video looking at the Asch Line Study and its impact on people
Perspective - A Brain Games video about conformity in an audience
Perspective - A Ted Talk from J. Marshall Shepherd, "3 kinds of bias that shape your worldview"|
Method & Tools - A New Humanist interview on how we develop knowledge
Method & Tools - A Big Think video on how we make new ideas
Method & Tools - A Vox video for Why All World Maps are Wrong"
Method & Tools - A Ted Talk by John Greene titled "Paper towns and why learning is awesome"
Method & Tools - A Monty Python video on "Deductive Reasoning"
Method & Tools - Park DC, Huang CM. Culture Wires the Brain: A Cognitive Neuroscience Perspective. Perspect Psychol Sci. 2010 Jul;5(4):391-400
Ethics - A Conversation article on why people do not fact check
Ethics - An Effectiviology article on Debiasing: How to reduce cognitive biases in yourself and others
Ethics - A CNN article from Willinham and Marco's publication "She took her life, but he’s accused of helping her and filming it. Is it murder?," October 21, 2017
Optional Theme: Language
How does language influence what we know?
Loaded language
Helpful Resources
Scope - A Casper H video on Concept learning in pigeons. Sometimes they are smarter than humans
Scope - A Bella Ross video on Ferdinand de Saussure and Structural Linguistics
Scope - A PBS documentary on A Conversation With Koko The Gorilla
Perspective - A Ted Talk from Steven Pinker titled What our language habits reveal
Perspective - A BBC Earth documentary on Are Crows the Ultimate Problem Solvers? | Inside the Animal Mind |
Perspective - A Fluent U article on 15 Untranslatable Russian Words and What They (Sort of) Mean
Perspective - A Listverrse article on 10 Languages With Uniquely Bizarre Quirks
Perspective - A Russia Beyond article 10 English words that DON’T EXIST in Russian
Perspective - A Ted Talk from Lera Boroditsky on How language shapes the way we think
Perspective - Weiler, Nicholas. “Speaking a Second Language May Change How You See the World.” Science, 15 Mar. 2017
Perspective - A standup routine from George Carlin on Euphemisms
Perspective - A Wikipedia article on the reason the Mars Orbitor failed due to conventions
Perspective - Oberheim, Eric and Paul Hoyningen-Huene, "The Incommensurability of Scientific Theories", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2018 Edition)
Method & Tools - A Conversation article on "A second look at the blue-eyes, brown-eyes experiment that taught third-graders about racism"
Method & Tools - A Ted Talk from Donald Hoffman titled Do we see reality as it is?
Method & Tools - Healy, Melissa, "What would make a computer biased? Learning a language spoken by humans," Los Angelas Times, April 14, 2017
Method & Tools - Yuning Han, Differences Between Chinese, English, and Russian Languages’ Reflections on Thinking, Atlantis Press, 2021
Method & Tools - A TedEd video from Mia Nacamulli on The benefits of a bilingual brain
Method & Tools - An Epoch Philosophy from Noam Chomsky's Linguistic Philosophy: Syntactic Structures, Language and Mind
Ethics - Pratkanis, Anthony R; Aronson, Elliot, Age of propaganda : the everyday use and abuse of persuasion, New York : W.H. Freeman, 1992
Optional Theme: Knowledge & Technology
How does technology impact what we know?
echo chamber
Turing Test
Explicit vs. Implicit thinking
Artificial Consciousness
Searle - "Chinese room”
Helpful Resources
Scope - A Guardian article looking at how the internet is changing the way we think
Scope - Alex Gendler’s TED-ed video “The Turing test: Can a Computer Pass a Human Test"
Scope - Searle, John, "Minds, Brains, and Programs," from The Behavioral and Brain Sciences, vol. 3. Cambridge University Press, 1980
Scope - Brian Christian, The Most Human Human: What Artificial Intelligence Teaches Us About Being Alive, 2012
Scope - How the "Most Human Human" passed the Turing Test, Quartz
Scope - Adam Lash, ChatGPT Passed the Turing Test! This is REAL ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE!, 2023
Scope - Joscha Bach’s TED talk “From Artificial Intelligence to Artificial Consciousness," 2016
Scope - These Self-Aware Robots Are Redefining Consciousness, Seeker, 2019
Scope - Chalmers, David, Artificial Consciousness, Serious Science, 2016
Scope - "The Chinese Room Experiment: The Hunt for AI," BBC Studios
Perspective - A Conversation article looking the reasons for biases in social media
Method - A Wired article looking at the concerns of self-driving cars
Ethics - A PEW Research Center article looking at US perspectives on their data collection
Ethics - A USA Today article on how Facebook collects data
Ethics - A Business Insider article on the biggest examples and secrets taken by hacktivists
Optional Theme: Knowledge & Politics
How do our political views inform and influence our lives?
Fake news
Confirmation Bias
Helpful Resources
A Politico Quiz to find your political leanings that can be adapted for specific countries
Scope - A Independent article looking at fake news during Brexit
Scope - A CNN article on the how the media changed the perspective of a photo of an immigrant child
Scope - A Washington Post article on how we misread data based on our political viewpoint
Perspective - A New York Times article on why facts do not change our minds
Method & Tools - A Ted Talk about the moral roots of Liberals and Conservatives
Method & Tools - An Atlantic article looking at if children share the same political views as adults
Method & Tools - A BBC article on the emotional factors that influence our voting
Ethics - A Stanford University article on when civil disobedience is justified
Ethics - A NACIA article looking at the Paros (Strikes) in Colombia in 2019