Areas of Knowledge
"Can there be knowledge that is independent of culture?" Discuss with reference to math and one other AOK (2022 Title)
Helpful Resources
Scope - a Mathematics Queries article looking at the use of mathematics in other disciplines
Scope - Morris Kline´s book The Loss of Certainty outlining trends in mathematics
Scope - a Conversation article on how math is influence the study of History
Scope - Domain of Science video on the Map of Mathematics
Perspective - an Edge article looking at the Humanist view of Reuben Hersh
Perspective - a Lehigh University article (student friendly) looking at whether math is invented or discovered
Perspective - a series of interviews with experts looking at if math is invented or discovered
Perspective - a article looking at why math is not an effective way to describe the world
Perspective - a Lockhart and Arnold interview/debate on the role of mathematics in school
Perspective - a Janna Levin video on Physics vs. Human Perception: Which Represents Reality?
Method & Tools - Proof for the Pythagorean Theorem
Method - a wikipedia post of Process describing Fermat’s Last Theorem
Method - a Ted-Ed video on The paradox at the heart of mathematics: Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem - Marcus du Sautoy
Ethics - A Cambridge University discussion paper looking at the pros and cons of different levels of ethics
Ethics - A Michael Harris article looking at ethical issues in math
Ethics - A Paul Ernest article on ethics in mathematics
Ethics - A Vox article explaining the Cambridge Analytica scandal
Natural Science
“Is there solid justification for regarding knowledge in the natural sciences more highly than knowledge in another AOK? Discuss with reference to the natural sciences and one other AOK. (2022 Title)
Demarcation problem
Cognitive bias
Hypothetico-deductive Method
Inductive Reasoning
Deductive Reasoning
Paradigm Shift
Helpful Resources
Scope - A documentary called the Most Unknown where 9 different scientists from different fields investigate the unknown
Scope - a Stanford article looking at the life and theories of Karl Popper
Scope - a Micheal Shumer Ted Talk "Why People Beleive Weird Things"
Scope - a Coversation article on Biopiracy: when indigenous knowledge is patented for profit
Scope - a Molly Crockett Ted-Talk on "Beware Neuro-Bunk"
Scope - “Does the New Definition of Science Measure Up?” The Guardian, March 4, 2009.
Perspective - An Edge article about what scientific ideas are ready for retirement
Perspective - A Guardian article looking at the John Oliver video (video included) looking at misinforamtion during COVID
Perspective - Munroe, Randall, What If?: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2014
Perspective - Vernon, James. “On the Shoulders of Giants.” American Scientist, June 23, 2017.
- Khan Academy reading looking at t
Perspective - Fichera, Angelo. “No, Fauci Didn’t Say Face Masks Were a ‘Failure.’” AP News, November 21, 2023.
Perspective - Vickers, Peter. “4 Convincing Scientific Theories That Fooled Scientists for Decades.” Silicon Republic, October 22, 2019.
Method & Tools - A website looking at various examples of the scientific method in practice
Method & Tools - A La Physique et LÉducation article on imagination and the Scientific Method
Method & Tools - McLeish, Tom. “We Talk about Artistic Inspiration All the Time – but Scientific Inspiration Is a Thing Too.” The Conversation, September 13, 2022.
Method & Tools - Parke, Phoebe. “The Secret to Making a Scientific Discovery | CNN Business.” The secret to making a scientific discovery, May 27, 2016
Method & Tools - Reiss, Julian and Jan Sprenger, "Scientific Objectivity", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2020 Edition)
Method & Tools - An article looking at Carl Sagan's ECREE standards
Ethics - A Carpi & Egger article on Scientific Ethics
Ethics - A Paul Wolfe article on why scientists avoid thinking about ethics
Ethics - A Lancelot article on the ethical issues searching for a COVID-19 vaccine
Ethics - An Atlantic article looking at the first babies born in China with edited genes (CCR5) during the fertilization process
Ethics - A Philadephia Children´s Hosptial article looking at the studies regarding the connection between vaccines and autism in children
Ethics - A CNN article looking at unethical experiments
Ethics - A Conversation article looking at whether Natural Science is Value-laden or Not
To what extent are methods of justification different in art compared to other AOKs?
Human Cognition
Helpful Resources
Scope - an Aeon article looking at how art has developed over time
Scope - an Imaginative Conservative article looking at the role of progress in art
Perspective - a NY Times article on who decides what is art, with many expert definitions
Perspective - a BBC article looking at an outsider´s art convention
Perspective - a Guardian article looking at the motivations for Keith Haring
Perspective - an Ellen Winner book on what is art
Perspective - a History Today article looking how social context influences how art is interpreted
Perspective - a Conversation article looking at the worst film ever made, ¨The Room¨
Perspective - an Encyclopedia of Philosophy article of different schools of thought on interpretation of literature
Method & Tools - an Independent article looking at comparing musical genres
Method & Tools - a Sciencedirect article looking at perceptions in art
Ethics - a New Humanist article looking at the ethical issues brought up in the TV show ¨The Good Place¨
Ethics - a Guardian article looking at how artists are using their work to bring up environmental issues
Ethics - a CNN article looking at whether it is the job of the artist to entertain or protest
Ethics - a Guardian article looking at ethics in art
Ethics - an Artsy article looking at when it is ok to bend ethical rules for art
Ethics - a NewYorker article looking at the ethical dilemna of the 1915 film ¨Birth of a Nation¨
Human Sciences
What are the main difficulties that human scientists encounter when trying to explain human behaviour?
Institutional Review Boards
Placebo Effect
Internal Reliability
External Reliability
Blind Testing
Helpful Resources
Scope - a Ted Talk by Dr. Helen Fisher looking at the psychology of love
Scope - An Investopedia article about whether economics is a science or not
Method & Tools - A ReviseSociology article about 7 field experiments
Method & Tools - A Research by Design video looking at "Selecting a Representative Sample"
Ethics - A Sagepub article that give an overview of ethics in the human and behavioural sciences
Ethics - A Nature article about a retracted political science study on gay canvassers change increase same-sex marriage support
Ethics - A Conversation article on ethics in economics
What methods do historians use to gain knowledge?
Historical Fact
Helpful Resources
Carr, EH - What is History?, Vintage, 1967
McDowell, WH, Historical Research: A Guide, Taylor and Francis, 2013
Tosh, Josh The Pursuit of History, Longman, 2010
Bevir, Mark. “Objectivity in History.” History and Theory 33, no. 3 (1994): 328–44.
Scope - numerous articles and podcasts on what is a historical fact
Perspective - A Business Insider article on advertisements that are inappropriate today
Method & Tools - A Sarah Speight article on Hoskins and the Norwich method
Method & Tools - A Christopher Dyer & Andrew Hopper book on changes in local history
Method & Tools - A History News Network article looking at the role of imagination within history
Ethics - A History Extra article looking at the opinions of historians on the idea of judging the past based on present morals